Sunday, November 14, 2010

Life is wacky!

Life around me is racing along with what seems to be major catastrophes or miracles at the moment...very disconcerting!

Let’s start with positive news:

Happiness.... a friend of mine had a beautiful baby boy...they already had 2 gorgeous girlies and really wanted a boy and they did not find out beforehand what they were expecting...they were all thrilled & so excited.

Sadness...a father went to pay off a car loan that had killed his young son. My heart just broke for him. English friend of mine lost her mother and was not able to get back to the UK to see her for one last time.......unfair world!

Newness....another beautiful baby was born after the mother had a tough pregnancy!

We all had Veterans day off and I had five million things to do from hiking to housey stuff.....oh no I picked up some sort of snotty bug that wipes me out....we ended up staying at home & the kids fun!

This bug is lingering & I need so much sleep.....yes I'm going to bed at 7.30 am I & sleeping until 6am!

Excited...I wish I was! Number 2 & I are going to the UK next week to visit family it has been 2 years since I have been home. The last time was to attend my mums funeral...I have mixed feelings! I'm also overwhelmed at all the stuff I need to do before I go. It would make sense to take all the Xmas pressies...except I have not bought them! One disadvantage of living in the great shops. There is only so much one can purchase from TJ Maxx!

Getting fit...I joined a gym and was making a huge effort to go 3 times a week which was a massive juggle & struggle.... alas that has gone out of the window! The stairs are the most exercise that I get at the moment!

Early... we received our first Xmas card on Oct got to be kidding me! It seems that Xmas started in the UK very early this year. My sister is all in a panic that she must get everything bought & wrapped NOW. It seems that Xmas is almost loosing some of its fun these days with the pressure to pull it all together!

My head & fingers seem to be a wandering all over the place......too much snot in my head me thinks!
Time to go!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Happy Gene. Do you have it?

My mum was always known as a happy friendly lady with a heart of gold and I strive to follow in her footsteps.

As I get older I realise how much the weather affects my mood. Of course warm sun make's for a happy Daffodilly and a wet grey day can go either way....I go into action mode and empty out closets or want to curl up with a good book & hide from the world.

If I go up or down I can usually get myself back into gear and charge forward...well maybe with a little moaning along the way!

I have found that I like to be around people with energy and enthusiasm for life. "Eeyore’s" i.e. people that plod and look for the worst scenario in any situation attract me too as I want to turn them into happy people!

I know...... what a sad cow I am!

I have discovered along the way that many of the Eeyore’s are happy plodding & being miserable about everything in life...that is just the way that it is. I cannot understand them at all......along with the TV show called "Hoarders."

It just fascinates me how these people value trash and keep it. I hate to see it yet I cannot help myself watching and being almost obsessed with this unbelievable situation. I realise that it is a mental illness yet...poohing in bags & storing it in a cupboard...pleeease!

Anyway back to the happy gene. Do you have one?

Sometimes they can be buried for a while whilst you fathom out a problem yet they always pop back up just like the sun!

Unless you are an Eeyeore and then you tend to plod on and on and on.....

What are you an Eeyeore or a happy gene owner?