Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm brain dead today

Things to do today after work:

1. Buy a present for my niece & mail it to the UK.
2. Clean the bathrooms..
3. Go to the gym.
4. Pick up number 2 at 3pm & number 1 at 4.15pm.
5. Put the garden to bed.
6. Rake the 500 million leaves that are in the garden.
7. Clean the car..we live on a dirt road.
8. Mow the lawn.
9. Make dinner,etc etc.

Needless to say I cannot get motivated to do anything at the moment. The weather is warm the views gorgeous and I just feel blah blah, everything is mundane. I need some brain stimulation..any ideas anyone?

Oh by the way I did pick up number 1 & 2!


Almost American said...

You did better than I did then! I forgot I had changed Wednesdays' arrangements and pick up time was 4:30 instead of 4:45 - I got a call at 4:40: "Mommy, are you going to come and get us?"

Bad mommy!

Daffodilly said...

Oh my...been there & done that also!