Monday, January 12, 2009

Delightful Surprise!

Look at this delicious scrummy box of fresh lemons grown in sunny CA. They positively ooze sunshine and good health.

My wonderful aunt sent them to me as she despises the weather in NH and worries that we are not getting enough sunshine vitamins...bless her!

The aroma is mouth watering and the colour is so cheery.
When you get to this stage during a NH winter you long to see fresh vibrant colours.
Just so you can experience this here are some local photo's which are beautiful yet very snowy!
Compare this to the lemons & "VOILA!"

You are craving colour!


Janet said...

Those photos do look beautiful, but very bleak, I can see why you loved the lemons.

Expat mum said...

I just made Tuscan Lemon chicken today (Barefoot COntessa) which required two juicy lemons. The aroma was lovely. And it keeps on snowing here!