Sunday, January 27, 2008


Last night I went to see "Pollyanna" at the theatre so I have decided to adopt her attitude to get me thru this "crap winter blues phase". Of course I am copying Blue Poppy who was the first real Pollyanna that I have ever met!

So this morning as I pulled back my curtains full of a positive almost drug like state & saw the delightful tumbling snowflakes I played the "Glad game." If you have not read the book or seen the film etc Pollyanna turns every negative thought into something positive...bless her!

My first reaction (what the f...!) was replaced by "oh how lovely today I can shovel the snow & get fit!"

Yeah right!!! Let us see how long this can last!!!


Expat mum said...

Here's my theory on this one - why are so many Americans in therapy? (Sorry Americans but it's true). Because they never allow themselves a negative word, which is nice sometimes but gets on your nerves at others. So because they keep it all bottled up inside, they end up on a therapist's couch where they can bitch and moan all they want. Having a good old British moan is healthy, as long as the glass isn't always half empty.
Right, I'll get off the soap box now shall I?

Daffodilly said...

Yep I do agree. It bugs me most at school where the kids do not know the score of the football/basketball etc matches as it is not about winning!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I got here via Aliblahblah. I agree with you on the snow. Plus, it's pure British to talk and moan about the weather, even when it's nice.

I've never seen Pollyanna, maybe I should, sounds like a good laugh if nothing else.

I've been here 8 years.

Daffodilly said...

Oh you so have to go & see Pollyanna or read the book..if anything just for a little escapism!