Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
10 Things that I am grateful for....
1. It is definitely going to be a white Christmas...6 inches on Thursday & 18 inches on Sunday.
2. I have ditched the 4 coloured woollen fancy hat due to frustration and knitted a scarf in a soy wool which is's to follow soon.
3. That today was the last day of work and school for all of my family as we all need a break.
4. Glad that I am done with the list of stuff I have to do, some of it still needs doing but I have given in as is it all really necessary?
5. Grateful that I was super smart and able to figure out how to use the new Cam corder that I bought for Sir L for Xmas, so that I could tape number 3's kindergarten concert today as he had to work.
6. Grateful to all my wonderful friends who have helped me through my mums absence especially my blogging ones.
7. Grateful that 2008 is nearly over as it has been a shite year!
8. Grateful that one of my darling students bought me real Belgian chocolates from Belgium....extra snack for you in 2009!
9. Grateful that there is hope for the country next year when Obama is in charge.
10. Most, mostest, mostly grateful that my sister, her husband and their delicious little girls are arriving on Christmas day for a 2 week visit!
If I do not post again before Christmas may you all have a wonderful time and be happy enjoy your friends and families.
2. I have ditched the 4 coloured woollen fancy hat due to frustration and knitted a scarf in a soy wool which is's to follow soon.
3. That today was the last day of work and school for all of my family as we all need a break.
4. Glad that I am done with the list of stuff I have to do, some of it still needs doing but I have given in as is it all really necessary?
5. Grateful that I was super smart and able to figure out how to use the new Cam corder that I bought for Sir L for Xmas, so that I could tape number 3's kindergarten concert today as he had to work.
6. Grateful to all my wonderful friends who have helped me through my mums absence especially my blogging ones.
7. Grateful that 2008 is nearly over as it has been a shite year!
8. Grateful that one of my darling students bought me real Belgian chocolates from Belgium....extra snack for you in 2009!
9. Grateful that there is hope for the country next year when Obama is in charge.
10. Most, mostest, mostly grateful that my sister, her husband and their delicious little girls are arriving on Christmas day for a 2 week visit!
If I do not post again before Christmas may you all have a wonderful time and be happy enjoy your friends and families.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
To my mum....
This is a crazy time of year packed with overbuying, card writing, decorating, baking, parties and concerts yet I took a few minutes out of the day today as it suddenly hit me that.............. I had no mum.
My mum always went that extra mile to send little things that meant alot e.g. sugar almonds, good UK underwear, chocolate items for the tree, yet this year she is not here.
I know she has been gone for 4 months but at times it feels unbearable. I guess Christmas is one of the more harder holidays.
I would like to dedicate this to my mum who was so special and was whipped away from us very quickly and cruelly July 1st 2008.
Mum I probably never told you all of the special things that you did for me that I really appreciated yet I never found the time to tell you so.
All the Daffodil cards that I can now look at and remember you by.
It grieves me that the children are growing out of the clothes that you knitted or bought them and I can hardly bear to part with them as I feel like I am loosing you all over again.
Number 3 is in a kinder garden concert next week and you will not be here. You always seemed to make it over here for the important occasions.
Sir L bought some English chocolate finger biscuits and number 3 remembered the fort birthday cake that you made him when we came to England when you were first diagnosed with cancer. You insisted on making his birthday cake..a chocolate fort. I know how hard it was for you as you were so nauseous yet you made it for his 5th birthday which he is always going to remember. Thank you.
I miss talking to you and the e-mails as you were always there for me, protecting or advising or even being bossy.
know you hated the fact that we became American Citizens by all the Union Jack items that you bought us and you felt that we had let the Brits down yet we are always the same underneath the skin.
My poor garden that so needs your advise as it so difficult to grow plants in these harsh weather conditions.
As for my knitting..I still plow on trying to work out my knots & mistakes with Mme L.
Your beautiful house that is on the market yet due to the economy being so dire it stands alone, unloved and hollow.
My sister is having a terrible time and I am there for her as much as I can be being 19 hours away. Its very frustrating. I know it will give you great comfort that she and her family are coming here for Christmas so I can spoil her rotten and give her some support. We have become a lot closer since you left.
My brother is the same work, work,work! He hopes to come over nest year to visit though.
Your boyfriend is still is a mess and has put his house on the market to move away to try to start again which is not easy at 70 but you gave him the strength & "get to" to do these things.
I miss you mum and if only we had known what this year was to bring I would have made an effort to come over for Christmas and birthdays and to make the most of good health and life.
You were always such a positive person even when you hit the duldrums and I can only hope that I can follow in your footsteps.
I love you mum and thank you for everything.
British Daffodilly
My mum always went that extra mile to send little things that meant alot e.g. sugar almonds, good UK underwear, chocolate items for the tree, yet this year she is not here.
I know she has been gone for 4 months but at times it feels unbearable. I guess Christmas is one of the more harder holidays.
I would like to dedicate this to my mum who was so special and was whipped away from us very quickly and cruelly July 1st 2008.
Mum I probably never told you all of the special things that you did for me that I really appreciated yet I never found the time to tell you so.
All the Daffodil cards that I can now look at and remember you by.
It grieves me that the children are growing out of the clothes that you knitted or bought them and I can hardly bear to part with them as I feel like I am loosing you all over again.
Number 3 is in a kinder garden concert next week and you will not be here. You always seemed to make it over here for the important occasions.
Sir L bought some English chocolate finger biscuits and number 3 remembered the fort birthday cake that you made him when we came to England when you were first diagnosed with cancer. You insisted on making his birthday cake..a chocolate fort. I know how hard it was for you as you were so nauseous yet you made it for his 5th birthday which he is always going to remember. Thank you.
I miss talking to you and the e-mails as you were always there for me, protecting or advising or even being bossy.
know you hated the fact that we became American Citizens by all the Union Jack items that you bought us and you felt that we had let the Brits down yet we are always the same underneath the skin.
My poor garden that so needs your advise as it so difficult to grow plants in these harsh weather conditions.
As for my knitting..I still plow on trying to work out my knots & mistakes with Mme L.
Your beautiful house that is on the market yet due to the economy being so dire it stands alone, unloved and hollow.
My sister is having a terrible time and I am there for her as much as I can be being 19 hours away. Its very frustrating. I know it will give you great comfort that she and her family are coming here for Christmas so I can spoil her rotten and give her some support. We have become a lot closer since you left.
My brother is the same work, work,work! He hopes to come over nest year to visit though.
Your boyfriend is still is a mess and has put his house on the market to move away to try to start again which is not easy at 70 but you gave him the strength & "get to" to do these things.
I miss you mum and if only we had known what this year was to bring I would have made an effort to come over for Christmas and birthdays and to make the most of good health and life.
You were always such a positive person even when you hit the duldrums and I can only hope that I can follow in your footsteps.
I love you mum and thank you for everything.
British Daffodilly
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Honeywell Alert...Naff Week ctd again.
Oh yes sorry to drag on but its been an aging week.
Thursday I receive a call at work that is a recorded message advising me that the High School where my precious number 1 is, is under a siege, the school is secure and the police are handling the situation and DO NOT come to school.
I was trying to conduct circle time with my 3 year olds at the time.....
Then all the rumours start as the cell phone rings away, a child has a sawn off shot gun and a victims list and is shooting through the school.
I live in sleepy ville where everyone knows everyone plus all their business. However it is big hunting territory and guns are readily available. So the above senario is very doable. ( I made up this wonderful word)
After 40 mins I get the all is clear call. It was all a threat that has been resolved.
Who is going to pay for my face lift and hair colour?
You never hear of this happening in the UK yet it seems to be around too much in USA. I wish they would ban guns totally.
I know that America is a free country and guns are a part of the culture but I loathe them. They are not a toy, they are a weapon used for killing...which is not a game.
What are your opinions?
Thursday I receive a call at work that is a recorded message advising me that the High School where my precious number 1 is, is under a siege, the school is secure and the police are handling the situation and DO NOT come to school.
I was trying to conduct circle time with my 3 year olds at the time.....
Then all the rumours start as the cell phone rings away, a child has a sawn off shot gun and a victims list and is shooting through the school.
I live in sleepy ville where everyone knows everyone plus all their business. However it is big hunting territory and guns are readily available. So the above senario is very doable. ( I made up this wonderful word)
After 40 mins I get the all is clear call. It was all a threat that has been resolved.
Who is going to pay for my face lift and hair colour?
You never hear of this happening in the UK yet it seems to be around too much in USA. I wish they would ban guns totally.
I know that America is a free country and guns are a part of the culture but I loathe them. They are not a toy, they are a weapon used for killing...which is not a game.
What are your opinions?
Naff week (ctd)
The next day I awake to my 5 year old crying which is very unusual.
" I cannot see" in a shaky voice.
I'm thinking he has conjunctivitis and his eyes are sealed shut! So I climb out of bed to go to him.
It is very dark.
" Someone has built a wall around my bed and I cannot see!" says a scared little voice.
I go to his room and realise that we have no power., take him to our bed and snuggle down.
How cosy.
We had no power for 9 hours. Very frustrating as no laundry, dishes, vacuuming can be done. Most of all the kids have no TV or computer as everything was down.
We put the Christmas tree up which I thought was a wonderful idea, but alas no music to get us in the spirit.
We survived!
I'm sure that BP is laughing as not only does she have a totally solar house, she had flown out to sunny CA and missed the whole thing!
" I cannot see" in a shaky voice.
I'm thinking he has conjunctivitis and his eyes are sealed shut! So I climb out of bed to go to him.
It is very dark.
" Someone has built a wall around my bed and I cannot see!" says a scared little voice.
I go to his room and realise that we have no power., take him to our bed and snuggle down.
How cosy.
We had no power for 9 hours. Very frustrating as no laundry, dishes, vacuuming can be done. Most of all the kids have no TV or computer as everything was down.
We put the Christmas tree up which I thought was a wonderful idea, but alas no music to get us in the spirit.
We survived!
I'm sure that BP is laughing as not only does she have a totally solar house, she had flown out to sunny CA and missed the whole thing!
Naff week!
Well what a week of crap!
A two hour delay for school due to icy roads which would not have been a problem except I was having a minor test at the hospital and had to pull together emergency childcare at 6am!
Then two days later I had another yes another flat tyre in the middle of the Mall. I tried 2 tyre places to be advised a 2-3 hour wait! Oh yes I also need to add that another storm was rolling in.
I could not get hold of Sir L (my mechanic) as he failed to answer his frig... blackberry that is always on his person. The receptionist was about as useful as a chocolate fireguard.
I nipped into a store to buy snacks & a few bits "n" bobs & went back to the tyre place that told me I had missed my spot..."Hello you said 2 hours I was gone 40 mins!"
They then advised me that as Sir L had put goop in my tyre it had wrecked the inner tube & I needed a new tyre & my sensor system would be broken! Rip off merchants!
Meanwhile number 3 knocked down a display all over the place!
I am about to cry so I call Sir L for the millionth time.....yes after numerous calls & 2 hours later he answers in a chirpy voice!
He tells me that they are talking crap and to just blow it up & drive home which is 45 minutes away in icy conditions.
So I leave the tyre place in a huff, dragging number 3 with me. Kick my car, climb in and cry.
My cell phone is ringing like crazy its Sir L..."what is the problem?"
It's OK for him as cars are "his thing" a flat tyre is no problem as he can fix it. However to me its the end of the world as I cannot. One problem with being married to an engineer... you become sloppy at these "I can mend it situations who needs a man!"
The phone rings again the kids activities are all cancelled due to the storm so they are heading home. Meanwhile I am going nowhere!
I pump up the tyre, forget the food shop and drive home down the back roads as I dare not hit the highway. The ice & snow are coming down fast. I am a blubbering mess, number 3 is as quiet as a mouse bless him!
I get home & it is flat again, I am so mad that Sir L did not mend it properly the first time as punctures really can be life or death in NH in the winter.
We are supposed to be going for a drink to an Open House for some Christmas Cheer.....I'm looking for a divorce or a shot gun!
That did not happen...icy weather outside, even colder at our house!
Anyway he has now mended the tyre & is even alive to tell the tale!
Still in the dog house though!
A two hour delay for school due to icy roads which would not have been a problem except I was having a minor test at the hospital and had to pull together emergency childcare at 6am!
Then two days later I had another yes another flat tyre in the middle of the Mall. I tried 2 tyre places to be advised a 2-3 hour wait! Oh yes I also need to add that another storm was rolling in.
I could not get hold of Sir L (my mechanic) as he failed to answer his frig... blackberry that is always on his person. The receptionist was about as useful as a chocolate fireguard.
I nipped into a store to buy snacks & a few bits "n" bobs & went back to the tyre place that told me I had missed my spot..."Hello you said 2 hours I was gone 40 mins!"
They then advised me that as Sir L had put goop in my tyre it had wrecked the inner tube & I needed a new tyre & my sensor system would be broken! Rip off merchants!
Meanwhile number 3 knocked down a display all over the place!
I am about to cry so I call Sir L for the millionth time.....yes after numerous calls & 2 hours later he answers in a chirpy voice!
He tells me that they are talking crap and to just blow it up & drive home which is 45 minutes away in icy conditions.
So I leave the tyre place in a huff, dragging number 3 with me. Kick my car, climb in and cry.
My cell phone is ringing like crazy its Sir L..."what is the problem?"
It's OK for him as cars are "his thing" a flat tyre is no problem as he can fix it. However to me its the end of the world as I cannot. One problem with being married to an engineer... you become sloppy at these "I can mend it situations who needs a man!"
The phone rings again the kids activities are all cancelled due to the storm so they are heading home. Meanwhile I am going nowhere!
I pump up the tyre, forget the food shop and drive home down the back roads as I dare not hit the highway. The ice & snow are coming down fast. I am a blubbering mess, number 3 is as quiet as a mouse bless him!
I get home & it is flat again, I am so mad that Sir L did not mend it properly the first time as punctures really can be life or death in NH in the winter.
We are supposed to be going for a drink to an Open House for some Christmas Cheer.....I'm looking for a divorce or a shot gun!
That did not happen...icy weather outside, even colder at our house!
Anyway he has now mended the tyre & is even alive to tell the tale!
Still in the dog house though!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Bad Day!
Bad day!
There I was on my way out to an open night at my hairdressers for a free massage, wine etc when I got a flat tyre. This would not normally be an issue however did I forget to mention that it is 6 degrees outside with a whipping wind & pitch black?
I called Sir L who was leaving work and was on his way to our Uncles whose farmhouse had a boiler issue which would lead to frozen pipes later tonight. He tried to pump up my tyre with that canned goop that blocks leaks but the nozzle froze onto my valve & blocked it. A few strong words hit the air whilst he pulled out the tools to pull the darned thing off. Then the tyre would not inflate with air as it was blocked with goop.
Hence I had to drive home flat tyre & all hoo no massage or wine or cute little goodie bag. Now I need to get the puncture mended.
Poor Sir L got home & he had a puncture too..what the F..k!
Oh yes did I mention that my iron died on Sunday too....maybe I can turn American & just tumble dry????
There I was on my way out to an open night at my hairdressers for a free massage, wine etc when I got a flat tyre. This would not normally be an issue however did I forget to mention that it is 6 degrees outside with a whipping wind & pitch black?
I called Sir L who was leaving work and was on his way to our Uncles whose farmhouse had a boiler issue which would lead to frozen pipes later tonight. He tried to pump up my tyre with that canned goop that blocks leaks but the nozzle froze onto my valve & blocked it. A few strong words hit the air whilst he pulled out the tools to pull the darned thing off. Then the tyre would not inflate with air as it was blocked with goop.
Hence I had to drive home flat tyre & all hoo no massage or wine or cute little goodie bag. Now I need to get the puncture mended.
Poor Sir L got home & he had a puncture too..what the F..k!
Oh yes did I mention that my iron died on Sunday too....maybe I can turn American & just tumble dry????
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Does anybody else iron out there?
So, I have lived in USA for 13 years and I still iron much to the amazement of my unironed American friends.
When my family visit they cannot believe that I do not iron the bedding, t-shirts, shorts and boxers and tell me "standards are dropping!"
My local friends laugh at me and say "use the dryer for goodness sakes you're in America."
I feel that I fall in between the two ...just like a slice of ham on a butty.
I iron shirts and pants and pillow there anyone else out there who still irons the English way?
I have to admit that when I speak to my sister in England and she is moaning about the stack of ironing that she has to plough through I really do see & understand the American way. It can be considered a waste of time but there is something that feels good about the smell and the satisfaction of looking at a pile of freshly ironed laundry....too bad it takes forever to do!
When my family visit they cannot believe that I do not iron the bedding, t-shirts, shorts and boxers and tell me "standards are dropping!"
My local friends laugh at me and say "use the dryer for goodness sakes you're in America."
I feel that I fall in between the two ...just like a slice of ham on a butty.
I iron shirts and pants and pillow there anyone else out there who still irons the English way?
I have to admit that when I speak to my sister in England and she is moaning about the stack of ironing that she has to plough through I really do see & understand the American way. It can be considered a waste of time but there is something that feels good about the smell and the satisfaction of looking at a pile of freshly ironed laundry....too bad it takes forever to do!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Education on laundry!
A happy belated Thanksgiving people and may it have been as relaxing & enjoyable as ours was.
Well number 1 who is now 12 years old has tipped me over the edge when it comes to washing. In her defense I have to admit that laundry is my thing.
I run a washer load every day and still do the English ironing thing. It can be said that my house may be a mess, and the fridge empty but there are always clean clothes in my house! However I digress.
Over the past 6 months I have nagged my darling daughter to death regarding putting her laundry in the basket or just to put the clean stuff away & not let it mate with the dirty undies on the floor! Here are a few examples of our conversations:
1. "Please remove the filthy cross country or basketball clothes from under your bed & put them in the washing basket."
2. "It smells in here bring out the muckiest!"
3. "Do you know I found 6 pairs of dirty knickers under your bed when I cleared it out!"
4. "Please put the clean clothes away." (multiply by 5 hundred million times.)
5. "My god these socks could walk to the laundry basket they are so filthy!"
6. "Oh you needed those jeans...try looking under the mountain of clothes & papers in that corner as they have been reported missing in action!"
7. "Please bring out your dirty clothes." ( multiplied by 20 million, billion times.)
I threatened the "you will have to do your own laundry" for over 6 months.
I even bought her own personal laundry system, one basket for clean & one for the dirties.
They both had no impact & dismally failed.
Alas, I had to admit defeat and hand the power of doing her laundry over to her.
I do love her dearly but I did have to chuckle yesterday.
I remind her once a week "don't forget to do your laundry as it quickly builds up."
She decided yesterday (as it had been a whole two weeks) that she would run the washer.
The reason...... she was out of undies, yes even the bikini bottoms had been worn!
She had to borrow a pair of mine!
Now even though I am only a petite woman surprisingly my bottom is not the same size as a young athletic 12 year olds buttocks especially after having 3 babies.... therefore baggy was an understatement.
I wonder if she will try & keep up with at least a weekly wash?
Good luck poppet, love you lots!
Well number 1 who is now 12 years old has tipped me over the edge when it comes to washing. In her defense I have to admit that laundry is my thing.
I run a washer load every day and still do the English ironing thing. It can be said that my house may be a mess, and the fridge empty but there are always clean clothes in my house! However I digress.
Over the past 6 months I have nagged my darling daughter to death regarding putting her laundry in the basket or just to put the clean stuff away & not let it mate with the dirty undies on the floor! Here are a few examples of our conversations:
1. "Please remove the filthy cross country or basketball clothes from under your bed & put them in the washing basket."
2. "It smells in here bring out the muckiest!"
3. "Do you know I found 6 pairs of dirty knickers under your bed when I cleared it out!"
4. "Please put the clean clothes away." (multiply by 5 hundred million times.)
5. "My god these socks could walk to the laundry basket they are so filthy!"
6. "Oh you needed those jeans...try looking under the mountain of clothes & papers in that corner as they have been reported missing in action!"
7. "Please bring out your dirty clothes." ( multiplied by 20 million, billion times.)
I threatened the "you will have to do your own laundry" for over 6 months.
I even bought her own personal laundry system, one basket for clean & one for the dirties.
They both had no impact & dismally failed.
Alas, I had to admit defeat and hand the power of doing her laundry over to her.
I do love her dearly but I did have to chuckle yesterday.
I remind her once a week "don't forget to do your laundry as it quickly builds up."
She decided yesterday (as it had been a whole two weeks) that she would run the washer.
The reason...... she was out of undies, yes even the bikini bottoms had been worn!
She had to borrow a pair of mine!
Now even though I am only a petite woman surprisingly my bottom is not the same size as a young athletic 12 year olds buttocks especially after having 3 babies.... therefore baggy was an understatement.
I wonder if she will try & keep up with at least a weekly wash?
Good luck poppet, love you lots!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Winter is here!
The bitter, raw winter is upon us over here in New Hampshire. Every year it totally knocks me off my feet with how cruel, harsh and raw it can be. After living here for 12 years you would think that there would be no shock left..... obviously no!
Of course we are not prepared as the garden clutter needs to be brought in..I'm always hopeful that I may be treated to one more day of having tea in the other words it is called "just pushing your luck!"
I have held off using the thermals but today I had to give in. Braving the bitterness for a ten minute walk this afternoon as the wind whipped around my trousers I have to say that I am glad that leg warmers are coming back into fashion as it will be yet another layer to warm my old bones with. Thanks to Jane Fonda however I do have a personal issue with her too..
In my teens I religiously followed her records & classes "reaching for the burn!"
And yes I did get there however now I hear that all of us 40 ish folk have got arthritis due to the constant pounding on our joints thanks to Jane, her leg warmers & reaching for the burn.
Jane you owe me one!
Of course we are not prepared as the garden clutter needs to be brought in..I'm always hopeful that I may be treated to one more day of having tea in the other words it is called "just pushing your luck!"
I have held off using the thermals but today I had to give in. Braving the bitterness for a ten minute walk this afternoon as the wind whipped around my trousers I have to say that I am glad that leg warmers are coming back into fashion as it will be yet another layer to warm my old bones with. Thanks to Jane Fonda however I do have a personal issue with her too..
In my teens I religiously followed her records & classes "reaching for the burn!"
And yes I did get there however now I hear that all of us 40 ish folk have got arthritis due to the constant pounding on our joints thanks to Jane, her leg warmers & reaching for the burn.
Jane you owe me one!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanksgiving Memories for a Brit.
Hopefully I have not shared these stories with you all before!
My mind is not what it used to be!
About 7 years ago I was picking up number 1 child at school. The children had been learning about Thanksgiving and the Mayflower when one of my friends kinder gardener's said to me "are you a pilgrim?"
She had heard the accent and knew I was from England..bless her!
No I was not wearing my bonnet & praising the lord!
Then I went to the school to watch my kinder gardener in her Thanksgiving play, wow what an enlightening time that was!
Luckily I did not know much about Thanksgiving at the time as this was number one going through the school system...I just knew that everyone in America had family turkey dinners and we all had a few days off.
Well my eyes were certainly opened wide at this school play!
When the kids were shouting "down with the English king & his taxes" I certainly blushed for the whole of England including Scotland, Wales, Ireland and a little of mainland Europe too!
Sometimes the cute accent is not a good thing!
My mind is not what it used to be!
About 7 years ago I was picking up number 1 child at school. The children had been learning about Thanksgiving and the Mayflower when one of my friends kinder gardener's said to me "are you a pilgrim?"
She had heard the accent and knew I was from England..bless her!
No I was not wearing my bonnet & praising the lord!
Then I went to the school to watch my kinder gardener in her Thanksgiving play, wow what an enlightening time that was!
Luckily I did not know much about Thanksgiving at the time as this was number one going through the school system...I just knew that everyone in America had family turkey dinners and we all had a few days off.
Well my eyes were certainly opened wide at this school play!
When the kids were shouting "down with the English king & his taxes" I certainly blushed for the whole of England including Scotland, Wales, Ireland and a little of mainland Europe too!
Sometimes the cute accent is not a good thing!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bonfire Night
We had Bonfire Night on Saturday November 8th.. a little late but we still had it.
Mother Nature as always played the devils advocate and decided to let it stay dry until fire lighting time when she threw a huge pour down tantrum.
Half of our friends are British so the brollies came out and the Americans followed suit as we all stood around our campfire burning our guys. A bit like the 18th century times I guess!
A similar situation to when people go to Blackpool for the day with their butties & flask of hot tea. It may be pouring down & they never get out of the car yet they had "a grand day out at the seaside."
The British spirit will not be broken by a spot of rain or two (million!) Apparently neither will the Americans!
A few guys did resemble the odd political figure or two, apparently this can create a pleasing cleansing effect on ones body.
The chilli & jacket potatoes were flowing and I even scrounged up some Thorntons treacle toffee which apparently was out of date but still disappeared!
The following day all that was left in the fire pit were two stubs of someones legs........legless...similar to how Sir L felt that morning!
Friday, November 7, 2008
I'm bored. Number 3 has had pneumonia all week so I am low on the sleep front and just a little cranky. I had to miss work so I will get no pay this week. They put him on steroids and now he is feeling better he is literally bouncing off the walls!
One benefit is that I have been cleaning out the cupboards..that signifies how bored I am!
Well Sir L (who has slept well all week & worked except for one night) suggested that we have a Bonfire Party. Yeah, whatever was my reply as I had no idea what day it was never mind what month!
So I sent off e-invites and tomorrow we are having a Bonfire Party.
Oh yes I forgot that I was going on a course for the day...the pressure is on!
Good job our friends are all the type to muck in!
There goes my boredom!
One benefit is that I have been cleaning out the cupboards..that signifies how bored I am!
Well Sir L (who has slept well all week & worked except for one night) suggested that we have a Bonfire Party. Yeah, whatever was my reply as I had no idea what day it was never mind what month!
So I sent off e-invites and tomorrow we are having a Bonfire Party.
Oh yes I forgot that I was going on a course for the day...the pressure is on!
Good job our friends are all the type to muck in!
There goes my boredom!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Voting Day!
Well today is a biggie in the day.
I am a citizen and so I get the chance to say who the next President will be. I bravely marched off to the polls to colour my ballot paper in. Of course as soon as I open my mouth and my accent pops out all the volunteers look at me she an illegal immigrant??
After spelling my name numerous times they find me and shuffle me off into a little circus & white stripes! An elderly gentleman opened my tent flap for me..bless him.
I colour my paper in and to my surprise you do not just vote for the president but numerous other people too. Selectmen, cleaners the tea lady the list goes on...slight exaggeration there! I feed my paper to the machine and bang I'm done.
No more telephone calls, millions of trash mail flyers thank the lord!
Lets hope that the right chap wins!
I am a citizen and so I get the chance to say who the next President will be. I bravely marched off to the polls to colour my ballot paper in. Of course as soon as I open my mouth and my accent pops out all the volunteers look at me she an illegal immigrant??
After spelling my name numerous times they find me and shuffle me off into a little circus & white stripes! An elderly gentleman opened my tent flap for me..bless him.
I colour my paper in and to my surprise you do not just vote for the president but numerous other people too. Selectmen, cleaners the tea lady the list goes on...slight exaggeration there! I feed my paper to the machine and bang I'm done.
No more telephone calls, millions of trash mail flyers thank the lord!
Lets hope that the right chap wins!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Holy Moly where did October go?
Well life surely is zooming by over here. So I am trying to summarise what I have been up to.
1. Just finished a superb book called "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett.. a historical story set in the UK which twisted all the time to sustain your interest. Its well worth reading and there is a sequel which I shall have to get to pop in my "be prepared for the NH winter" box.
2. New knitting project on the way.. a hat with 4 different colours in.......very tricky for me! Watch this space for a completed product photo or a huge tangle of coloured wools.....
3. I am regularly attending a powertone class with Gina who is a 50ish lady who looks like bendy Barbie and has a great attitude which kicks me into action.
4. That is about it besides the day to day working, taxiing the kids, basketball games, blah blah blah!
Oh yes & I am trying to work out where the hell all of our money is going these days!
Same pay checks coming in, everyone seems to be eating like troopers so the food situation is unreal. Surely $210.00 for groceries a week will feed 5 people???? Apparently not at the moment...I'm going to have to pad the meals out by adding pulses....then I will have to buy more toilet paper!!!!!
I guess we will have to start looking at cutting back a little...maybe sell a kid or two? Anyone any ideas?
1. Just finished a superb book called "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett.. a historical story set in the UK which twisted all the time to sustain your interest. Its well worth reading and there is a sequel which I shall have to get to pop in my "be prepared for the NH winter" box.
2. New knitting project on the way.. a hat with 4 different colours in.......very tricky for me! Watch this space for a completed product photo or a huge tangle of coloured wools.....
3. I am regularly attending a powertone class with Gina who is a 50ish lady who looks like bendy Barbie and has a great attitude which kicks me into action.
4. That is about it besides the day to day working, taxiing the kids, basketball games, blah blah blah!
Oh yes & I am trying to work out where the hell all of our money is going these days!
Same pay checks coming in, everyone seems to be eating like troopers so the food situation is unreal. Surely $210.00 for groceries a week will feed 5 people???? Apparently not at the moment...I'm going to have to pad the meals out by adding pulses....then I will have to buy more toilet paper!!!!!
I guess we will have to start looking at cutting back a little...maybe sell a kid or two? Anyone any ideas?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I want to scream!
8.10pm a converstion between number 2 & I on his way to bed.
" I do not want to be a Russian KGB for Halloween."
"OK what are you thinking of then?" whilst screaming inside.
"An English butler."
"Oh" what the f... is what is going through my mind!
"Just wear my old suit jacket, a dickie bow, carry a tray & speak like I do!"
"Oh & thanks mum you are the best!"
Bless him!
" I do not want to be a Russian KGB for Halloween."
"OK what are you thinking of then?" whilst screaming inside.
"An English butler."
"Oh" what the f... is what is going through my mind!
"Just wear my old suit jacket, a dickie bow, carry a tray & speak like I do!"
"Oh & thanks mum you are the best!"
Bless him!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
How many leaves are there in NH?
Interesting fact from the USA Today:
There are 666 million sugar maple, yellow birch & beech trees, the number of leaves is put at more than 600 billion!
Fellow New Hampshirites...let's rake!
There are 666 million sugar maple, yellow birch & beech trees, the number of leaves is put at more than 600 billion!
Fellow New Hampshirites...let's rake!
Friday, October 24, 2008
It's on!
Thank you for all your kind remarks. Last night we had Blue Poppy & hubby for dinner so the heat went on!
I just hugged those lovely radiators...we have the english ones so you can drape your towel over it so its warm & cosy when you step out of the shower.
Oh life sure feels good right now!
I just hugged those lovely radiators...we have the english ones so you can drape your towel over it so its warm & cosy when you step out of the shower.
Oh life sure feels good right now!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
So the temperatures are dropping rapidly over here in NH & we are waking upto frosts...brrrr!
Will Sir L put the heating on? Not on your nelly!
November 1st is heat day for myself and my three frozen babies!
Number 2 practically climbed into the oven tonight just to warm his hands up...I know oil is at a silly price & is expected to go up & down as fast as my thermals! We all have to make sacrifices. It's a difficult decision less wine or delay the hating coming on...guess which one won?
We are wearing extra fleeces and using our initiative yet today was a little too much on the chill side!
Sir L was delayed on a training course today...I was cold despite having the oven on making my delicious ( if I may say so myself!) homemade chicken chasseur. The thought of him sitting in a warm car for 2 hours was enough..I sneaked the heating on...oh what bliss!
The hats came off as the genuine glow of warmth filled our blue bodies!
A quick diversion here my friend came over for a cuppa with her dog who despite living with a cat decided to chase our Mittens! I put our cat outside so he could be safe and he ran up a tree.
Four hours later in the pitch black of the night he was still out there, mewing away. So after an hour of trying to coax him down (we got him down about 20 feet with another 25 feet to go) Sir L got a ladder and saved him.
My poor baby was fraught and needed many treats to restore his faith in me!
I guess we are down to 7 lives now!
By the way Sir L had just switched the heating off.....have to go to layer on the thermals!
Will Sir L put the heating on? Not on your nelly!
November 1st is heat day for myself and my three frozen babies!
Number 2 practically climbed into the oven tonight just to warm his hands up...I know oil is at a silly price & is expected to go up & down as fast as my thermals! We all have to make sacrifices. It's a difficult decision less wine or delay the hating coming on...guess which one won?
We are wearing extra fleeces and using our initiative yet today was a little too much on the chill side!
Sir L was delayed on a training course today...I was cold despite having the oven on making my delicious ( if I may say so myself!) homemade chicken chasseur. The thought of him sitting in a warm car for 2 hours was enough..I sneaked the heating on...oh what bliss!
The hats came off as the genuine glow of warmth filled our blue bodies!
A quick diversion here my friend came over for a cuppa with her dog who despite living with a cat decided to chase our Mittens! I put our cat outside so he could be safe and he ran up a tree.
Four hours later in the pitch black of the night he was still out there, mewing away. So after an hour of trying to coax him down (we got him down about 20 feet with another 25 feet to go) Sir L got a ladder and saved him.
My poor baby was fraught and needed many treats to restore his faith in me!
I guess we are down to 7 lives now!
By the way Sir L had just switched the heating off.....have to go to layer on the thermals!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Is this a coyote or a fox?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A definition of Happiness
This may sound like I'm a sad cow however it brings me great pleasure watching my washing drying in the sun in the garden. The smell of fresh air is delicious when I crawl into bed with my clean sheets...ohhh yummy!
Not many more days for drying outside in NH!
Can you tell I am looking for things to be grateful for & it is not even Thanksgiving yet?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm brain dead today
Things to do today after work:
1. Buy a present for my niece & mail it to the UK.
2. Clean the bathrooms..
3. Go to the gym.
4. Pick up number 2 at 3pm & number 1 at 4.15pm.
5. Put the garden to bed.
6. Rake the 500 million leaves that are in the garden.
7. Clean the car..we live on a dirt road.
8. Mow the lawn.
9. Make dinner,etc etc.
Needless to say I cannot get motivated to do anything at the moment. The weather is warm the views gorgeous and I just feel blah blah, everything is mundane. I need some brain stimulation..any ideas anyone?
Oh by the way I did pick up number 1 & 2!
1. Buy a present for my niece & mail it to the UK.
2. Clean the bathrooms..
3. Go to the gym.
4. Pick up number 2 at 3pm & number 1 at 4.15pm.
5. Put the garden to bed.
6. Rake the 500 million leaves that are in the garden.
7. Clean the car..we live on a dirt road.
8. Mow the lawn.
9. Make dinner,etc etc.
Needless to say I cannot get motivated to do anything at the moment. The weather is warm the views gorgeous and I just feel blah blah, everything is mundane. I need some brain stimulation..any ideas anyone?
Oh by the way I did pick up number 1 & 2!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
So last week Sir L had a parcel arrive..may I add that a big one it was.
When he opened it he had bought a metal this is taking the Yorkshire blood too far.
I could imagine our weekends as we played on the beach he would be bleeping away with a flat cap on his bent head looking like a right sad lad! Hoping to find that "special rare old coin" or a "diamond ring" that had been tossed out of a boat during a passionate argument.
Oh my I could hear people saying "here come the scavvers!"
It turns out that he wanted it so that we could find the well head at 6 sheds which no-one can find. The man who dug it cannot find it, the stick thing did not work so onto plan C.
The best comment from number 2 child was "dad this is a Hobo's dream."
So now when he goes off well head hunting...he says he is off "hobo-ing!"
When he opened it he had bought a metal this is taking the Yorkshire blood too far.
I could imagine our weekends as we played on the beach he would be bleeping away with a flat cap on his bent head looking like a right sad lad! Hoping to find that "special rare old coin" or a "diamond ring" that had been tossed out of a boat during a passionate argument.
Oh my I could hear people saying "here come the scavvers!"
It turns out that he wanted it so that we could find the well head at 6 sheds which no-one can find. The man who dug it cannot find it, the stick thing did not work so onto plan C.
The best comment from number 2 child was "dad this is a Hobo's dream."
So now when he goes off well head hunting...he says he is off "hobo-ing!"
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Calls to the UK
We are having difficulty in getting our family to add SKYPE to their PCs as they do not trust it!
For goodness sakes it is superb!
Does anybody out there know any cheap calling codes or carriers to the UK?
We have been charged $5 for low usuage every month from our international & long distance carrier which is bugging me!
Please let me know.
For goodness sakes it is superb!
Does anybody out there know any cheap calling codes or carriers to the UK?
We have been charged $5 for low usuage every month from our international & long distance carrier which is bugging me!
Please let me know.
Monday, September 29, 2008
BBC America
Well I'm not too sure if I told you this or not. We decided to have our TV cut off for the summer due to many reasons:
1. We were working all hours on 6 sheds the rental, no time for leisure.
2. The kids were sneaking TV whilst we were out & number 3 was using unsuitable words from Power Rangers etc.
3. My Yorkshire husbands roots rubbed off on me ..why pay for it when we were never home watching it?
So in June disconnected we became!
I have to say that I did not miss the TV until this week when all my Fall stuff came on; Survivor, Greys Anatomy, Desperate Housewives etc
So yesterday we excitedly became connected again!
Not only that but we also upgraded to get the BBC America which we never had before.
Sir L is sat watching Top Gear laughing his socks off and enjoying the English humour and bluntness....I'll never get him to turn it off!
I have to say it is bloody brilliant!
1. We were working all hours on 6 sheds the rental, no time for leisure.
2. The kids were sneaking TV whilst we were out & number 3 was using unsuitable words from Power Rangers etc.
3. My Yorkshire husbands roots rubbed off on me ..why pay for it when we were never home watching it?
So in June disconnected we became!
I have to say that I did not miss the TV until this week when all my Fall stuff came on; Survivor, Greys Anatomy, Desperate Housewives etc
So yesterday we excitedly became connected again!
Not only that but we also upgraded to get the BBC America which we never had before.
Sir L is sat watching Top Gear laughing his socks off and enjoying the English humour and bluntness....I'll never get him to turn it off!
I have to say it is bloody brilliant!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Blue Peter!
Did you know that today is Blue Peters 50th birthday?
The Queen is having a tea party for them, if only I could go!
Do you remember Valerie Singleton, John Noaks & Lesley Purvis? Where oh where have they gone?
This is my tribute to Blue Peter and to all the keys, stamps, buttons that we sent to their appeals to save the world.
We loved you so.
FYI there were lots of different colours which I only found out about today:
There are 6 Blue Peter badges:
The Blue badge: This is what the presenters on the show usually wear. Viewers of the programme can win one by either sending in an interesting letter, poem, picture or story, or by appearing on the programme. The design is a blue ship on a white shield.
The Silver badge: This is awarded to viewers who have already won a Blue badge; however, you have to do something different to win one. The design is a silver ship on a blue shield.
The Green badge: This is Blue Peter's environmental award. Viewers can win one by writing a poem or song, or telling the viewers about any 'green' subject. Presenters on the programme occasionally wear this badge instead of the blue one. It consists of a white ship on a green shield.
The Orange badge: This is given to viewers who have been either a winner or runner up in any of Blue Peter's many competitions. The design is a white ship on an orange shield. This replaced the original competition winners badge (which was round) in 2005.
The Gold badge: This is Blue Peter's highest award and is only given to people who have shown outstanding bravery and courage, or for people who have represented their country in an international event. The gold Blue Peter Badge is given out very rarely and you cannot 'earn' it like the others. Two dogs have also received the Gold badge, Bonnie in 1991 and Endal in 2003. This badge is a gold-plated brooch in the shape of the ship logo. It has also become tradition to present a leaving presenter with a gold badge on their final show. JK Rowling received a gold badge for her work on the Harry Potter series.
The Purple badge: This is awarded to 12 children a month who win the chance to spend a day working with the Blue Peter team. This new badge was introduced in September 2006. It was also awarded to the 'Purple Lady' visited by Gethin Jones on the show broadcast on Thursday 10th May 2007.
The Queen is having a tea party for them, if only I could go!
Do you remember Valerie Singleton, John Noaks & Lesley Purvis? Where oh where have they gone?
This is my tribute to Blue Peter and to all the keys, stamps, buttons that we sent to their appeals to save the world.
We loved you so.
FYI there were lots of different colours which I only found out about today:
There are 6 Blue Peter badges:
The Blue badge: This is what the presenters on the show usually wear. Viewers of the programme can win one by either sending in an interesting letter, poem, picture or story, or by appearing on the programme. The design is a blue ship on a white shield.
The Silver badge: This is awarded to viewers who have already won a Blue badge; however, you have to do something different to win one. The design is a silver ship on a blue shield.
The Green badge: This is Blue Peter's environmental award. Viewers can win one by writing a poem or song, or telling the viewers about any 'green' subject. Presenters on the programme occasionally wear this badge instead of the blue one. It consists of a white ship on a green shield.
The Orange badge: This is given to viewers who have been either a winner or runner up in any of Blue Peter's many competitions. The design is a white ship on an orange shield. This replaced the original competition winners badge (which was round) in 2005.
The Gold badge: This is Blue Peter's highest award and is only given to people who have shown outstanding bravery and courage, or for people who have represented their country in an international event. The gold Blue Peter Badge is given out very rarely and you cannot 'earn' it like the others. Two dogs have also received the Gold badge, Bonnie in 1991 and Endal in 2003. This badge is a gold-plated brooch in the shape of the ship logo. It has also become tradition to present a leaving presenter with a gold badge on their final show. JK Rowling received a gold badge for her work on the Harry Potter series.
The Purple badge: This is awarded to 12 children a month who win the chance to spend a day working with the Blue Peter team. This new badge was introduced in September 2006. It was also awarded to the 'Purple Lady' visited by Gethin Jones on the show broadcast on Thursday 10th May 2007.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This is how my brain feels!
This is a picture of the lake at 8am this morning. It could almost be a photo of the ocean waves or my brain (not the size of course!)
I'm just getting over a cold that seems to have left me very fuzzy headed nearly 2 weeks later.
I cannot seem to focus & achieve anything.
The actual lake represents my intake of wine and chocolate trying to make my life better but then the stress of daily life seems to seep in similar to the cloud formation &" Oh, oh we are fuzzy all over again!"
My poor knitting is suffering badly as I am trying to start a new project but making little to no progress as I have to keep undoing it! The same with my books and magazines.
Just as well that I work with young children as they think that I am one of them!
I fit in quite nicely!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Six sheds has now become 5 sheds!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"K" soccer ctd
Well this week the little girl who had her bottom pinched arrived for soccer with her dad in tow. He kindly volunteered to assist ( in other words keep my son off his daughter!) The police also turned up as I pointed out to my child to remind him that peoples bums are privates and not to be touched! (In fact the policeman's son was playing, however there is nothing like a uniform to get a kids attention.)
Now you may think that I overact a little here and that I am a cruel heartless mother however my number 3 is a confident child who fears nothing. In fact he is not even that bothered about the whole scenario.
Let me explain a little more...
In NH I find that the majority of people are quite modest & prudish when it comes to anything to do with their bodies. Many of my friends kids have never seen them naked, shared baths or showers with them. They never let their kids run around in the buff, grimace at the thought of a thong and they even wear undies in bed as well as pj's! I guess my European roots kick in here and my meagreness "who wants to wash undies & PJ's?"
At home we tend to have a more open approach about the whole situation as we do not want the kids to be self conscious or ashamed of their bodies. Anyway, my reason for digressing here is that I tend to have to over compensate for situations such as bottom pinching.
I know that some of the mothers were shocked to pieces about number 3's action which flabbergasts me, there again the culture difference is apparent.
When I am having an "I'm sick of trying to fit in" moment I picture the "NH chinny knickered mums" arriving on a nudist beach in France or even a topless one in Spain just for a chuckle!
Bad aren't I?
Anyway soccer was a little better this week. My latest issue is one of the kids that likes to put his hands on his hips, scream at the top of his lungs and plow directly into his team to see who he can knock flat on their back!
Hmmm duct tape springs to mind!
Now you may think that I overact a little here and that I am a cruel heartless mother however my number 3 is a confident child who fears nothing. In fact he is not even that bothered about the whole scenario.
Let me explain a little more...
In NH I find that the majority of people are quite modest & prudish when it comes to anything to do with their bodies. Many of my friends kids have never seen them naked, shared baths or showers with them. They never let their kids run around in the buff, grimace at the thought of a thong and they even wear undies in bed as well as pj's! I guess my European roots kick in here and my meagreness "who wants to wash undies & PJ's?"
At home we tend to have a more open approach about the whole situation as we do not want the kids to be self conscious or ashamed of their bodies. Anyway, my reason for digressing here is that I tend to have to over compensate for situations such as bottom pinching.
I know that some of the mothers were shocked to pieces about number 3's action which flabbergasts me, there again the culture difference is apparent.
When I am having an "I'm sick of trying to fit in" moment I picture the "NH chinny knickered mums" arriving on a nudist beach in France or even a topless one in Spain just for a chuckle!
Bad aren't I?
Anyway soccer was a little better this week. My latest issue is one of the kids that likes to put his hands on his hips, scream at the top of his lungs and plow directly into his team to see who he can knock flat on their back!
Hmmm duct tape springs to mind!
Friday, September 12, 2008
"K" soccer
Well 6 sheds lived thank goodness for Sir L who is a great DIY chappie. Thank you for all of your kind comments.
Onto todays subject......I very bravely volunteered to be a Kindergarten coach for soccer this season thinking as I work with young children it should not be too difficult!
Boy was I wrong! I was a physical wreck after 45 mins and had to go home for a large glass of Pinot Grigio!
It does not help that my number 3 was on my team. He is strong willed and will do anything to get my attention!
At one stage he was running around the pitch with a ball up his t-shirt, this instantly became popular with the other boys & before I knew it they were "fat belly fighting!
Then he pinched a little girls bottom & she refused to play, so he had to sit out for a few minutes. Of course after that he would not come and join in.
Followed by the kids that after 2 mins they were done and wanted to pick grass.
I have never felt so drained of patience and energy.
Do not get me wrong there were some cute and funny moments too.
"What do you like the best about soccer?" I asked.
"I like dance", "I like swimming" and "I like candy." Now you can see what I am dealing with?
Over all it was fun and hopefully number 3 will behave as there is nothing more embarrassing than your own child being naughty in front of all the other parents!
For anyone who has never coached & wants to loose a little weight quickly I highly recommend it!
Onto todays subject......I very bravely volunteered to be a Kindergarten coach for soccer this season thinking as I work with young children it should not be too difficult!
Boy was I wrong! I was a physical wreck after 45 mins and had to go home for a large glass of Pinot Grigio!
It does not help that my number 3 was on my team. He is strong willed and will do anything to get my attention!
At one stage he was running around the pitch with a ball up his t-shirt, this instantly became popular with the other boys & before I knew it they were "fat belly fighting!
Then he pinched a little girls bottom & she refused to play, so he had to sit out for a few minutes. Of course after that he would not come and join in.
Followed by the kids that after 2 mins they were done and wanted to pick grass.
I have never felt so drained of patience and energy.
Do not get me wrong there were some cute and funny moments too.
"What do you like the best about soccer?" I asked.
"I like dance", "I like swimming" and "I like candy." Now you can see what I am dealing with?
Over all it was fun and hopefully number 3 will behave as there is nothing more embarrassing than your own child being naughty in front of all the other parents!
For anyone who has never coached & wants to loose a little weight quickly I highly recommend it!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What a flippin day!
Well what a day!
It starts off with the weather man saying it would rain at about 4pm today otherwise a lovely day. So I sent the kids off to school in t-shirts.
I drive to my school and the heavens open.
Not to worry I think it could just be a small rainstorm...oh no!
All the 3 year olds arrive and we settle into the day. The rain turns into a full blown storm..thunder and flashes of lightening and then a huge boom as the lightening hits the school. Off go all the alarms!
So we get the children in a line and take them out into the car lot into the pouring rain and have to put them into our cars as there is no other shelter. This is their first full day of school!
As I am popping kids into the car which is full of scooters, soccer balls, deck chairs and of course trash (from being on the road so much) I wonder how much of a health hazard it is. Oh well there is no other choice.
I then discover that one little boy had no shoes on and his socks were sodden. Three of the others had painting smocks on as we were in the middle of finger painting. One of the little poppets shows me her yellow painted hands as I try to see how many hand prints are on my car!
We then excitedly watch ( and jump around my car !) as the fire engines arrive & the hunky firemen jump out in full breathing apparatus to "save our school."
Twenty minutes later we are allowed back in and all is well except that the fire alarm will not stop!
At least this weeks newsletter will be interesting, they were all very good.
Oh, and Sir L has had to go to our rental (known as 6 sheds) as there is water pouring into the living room from the bathroom above!
Never a dull moment over here!
It starts off with the weather man saying it would rain at about 4pm today otherwise a lovely day. So I sent the kids off to school in t-shirts.
I drive to my school and the heavens open.
Not to worry I think it could just be a small rainstorm...oh no!
All the 3 year olds arrive and we settle into the day. The rain turns into a full blown storm..thunder and flashes of lightening and then a huge boom as the lightening hits the school. Off go all the alarms!
So we get the children in a line and take them out into the car lot into the pouring rain and have to put them into our cars as there is no other shelter. This is their first full day of school!
As I am popping kids into the car which is full of scooters, soccer balls, deck chairs and of course trash (from being on the road so much) I wonder how much of a health hazard it is. Oh well there is no other choice.
I then discover that one little boy had no shoes on and his socks were sodden. Three of the others had painting smocks on as we were in the middle of finger painting. One of the little poppets shows me her yellow painted hands as I try to see how many hand prints are on my car!
We then excitedly watch ( and jump around my car !) as the fire engines arrive & the hunky firemen jump out in full breathing apparatus to "save our school."
Twenty minutes later we are allowed back in and all is well except that the fire alarm will not stop!
At least this weeks newsletter will be interesting, they were all very good.
Oh, and Sir L has had to go to our rental (known as 6 sheds) as there is water pouring into the living room from the bathroom above!
Never a dull moment over here!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Exciting news we have rented out 6 sheds (our rental house) yippee!
What a fiasco! Sacre bleu! Or in plain English "kin hell!"
We were suddenly inundated with applicants ranging from ...
1. The local "septic man" who wanted to park his truck on the drive..( hmm difficult one!) NO thanks since we are your next door neighbor! Smells do drift!
2. An old couple who were very sweet but he needed a heart bypass and they had financial difficulties.
3. Four divorcee's that were either wanting a reduction in rent just "until the divorce was settled" to "I have no deposit will that be a problem?" Just slightly since we are in debt up to our eyeballs!
4. Finally the lucky renters who are two lads in their mid 20's who are in the landscaping business.( there is 1.5 acres of mowing to be done).
We also had a number of callers who sounded so dodgy on the phone that we did not call them back, which for me is a crime as I have always been in customer service where you HAVE to return calls however nasty they could be!
So please everyone cross your fingers, your legs & your toes that "the lads" work out for us and we can start to pay off some of the debt!
What a fiasco! Sacre bleu! Or in plain English "kin hell!"
We were suddenly inundated with applicants ranging from ...
1. The local "septic man" who wanted to park his truck on the drive..( hmm difficult one!) NO thanks since we are your next door neighbor! Smells do drift!
2. An old couple who were very sweet but he needed a heart bypass and they had financial difficulties.
3. Four divorcee's that were either wanting a reduction in rent just "until the divorce was settled" to "I have no deposit will that be a problem?" Just slightly since we are in debt up to our eyeballs!
4. Finally the lucky renters who are two lads in their mid 20's who are in the landscaping business.( there is 1.5 acres of mowing to be done).
We also had a number of callers who sounded so dodgy on the phone that we did not call them back, which for me is a crime as I have always been in customer service where you HAVE to return calls however nasty they could be!
So please everyone cross your fingers, your legs & your toes that "the lads" work out for us and we can start to pay off some of the debt!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The death of my mum has made me very wary of change.
I am not sure if this is due to the period of time that she was diagnosed with cancer to the date that she died or if I am just becoming an old cow who does not like change.
So what is the picture of the stroller doing here you may ask?
First of all let me give you a little history. I have never been a hoarder. Once the older two kids did not need the potty or stroller or any of the baby clutter it was sold or given away. As we break or things wear out they are swiftly removed to the dump.
What has changed???
This stroller had alot of research done before I bought it. It has been to Jamaica, St Thomas, Dominican Republic, UK twice, CA, FL, ME & MA.
It is a trooper and it is still going strong.
I finally decided that since number 3 is going to "K" in a week it was time to let it go.
I found a good home to take it too, scrubbed it up & delivered it the same day....just in case I changed my mind.
Now I miss it! How can I possibly since it has not been used for over a year?
I can only put it down to that I do not like change anymore.
Oh my god I will be wearing purple next!
On a braver note (with a little comfort) I still have the crib & high chair to pass on!!
I am not sure if this is due to the period of time that she was diagnosed with cancer to the date that she died or if I am just becoming an old cow who does not like change.
So what is the picture of the stroller doing here you may ask?
First of all let me give you a little history. I have never been a hoarder. Once the older two kids did not need the potty or stroller or any of the baby clutter it was sold or given away. As we break or things wear out they are swiftly removed to the dump.
What has changed???
This stroller had alot of research done before I bought it. It has been to Jamaica, St Thomas, Dominican Republic, UK twice, CA, FL, ME & MA.
It is a trooper and it is still going strong.
I finally decided that since number 3 is going to "K" in a week it was time to let it go.
I found a good home to take it too, scrubbed it up & delivered it the same day....just in case I changed my mind.
Now I miss it! How can I possibly since it has not been used for over a year?
I can only put it down to that I do not like change anymore.
Oh my god I will be wearing purple next!
On a braver note (with a little comfort) I still have the crib & high chair to pass on!!
What do you call this?
Pick a house.
We managed to borrow a boat for a couple of hours and went for a tootle.
Sometimes living on top of our hill we get a little detached from the world that we live in.
We boated rather quickly ( Sir L is a speed king!) around Governors Island where the smallest house is worth over a million. Please excuse the angle of number 2 Sir L put his foot down!
There is oodles of money on the island & it is right here in NH which is known more for its beautiful countryside & hickies than rich folk.
So pick which house would suit your dreams:
The fairytale turret style?
Maybe the large wooden tree house look?
Its fun to daydream.
One day.......
Monday, August 18, 2008
Oh yes my youngest is about to go to the big K in 2 weeks.
Suddenly I have been having sad thoughts.
"Where did my baby go?"
Now, as I teach Pre-school I am very aware of overprotective parents. On the first day of school I assure them that I will look after their babies as if they were my own as I shoo them out of the door.
"Oh my, have I become one of the clan?"
"Emm just maybe!"
How did any of you cope?
I hope that I am not carried away screaming & sobbing from the school gates like a sad cow.
"Get real woman...he will only be there for 3 hours maximum."
"Oh yes I feel better already."
Suddenly I have been having sad thoughts.
"Where did my baby go?"
Now, as I teach Pre-school I am very aware of overprotective parents. On the first day of school I assure them that I will look after their babies as if they were my own as I shoo them out of the door.
"Oh my, have I become one of the clan?"
"Emm just maybe!"
How did any of you cope?
I hope that I am not carried away screaming & sobbing from the school gates like a sad cow.
"Get real woman...he will only be there for 3 hours maximum."
"Oh yes I feel better already."
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
House for rent anyone?
Well since February we have been restoring a house. We bought it as a foreclosure with half a roof over one of the rooms & a nice piece of tattered tarp covering the walls. Every night Sir L or I would go over & decorate, clean, install fittings, rip out walls etc etc whilst the other parent did the homework, stories, activities, washed dishes and prepared packed lunches. The whole process has taken a hell of a lot longer than we ever they do.
So after very little quality time together, many late nights, multiple stress situations e.g. when the snow finally melted the deck proved to be at the end of its life span and needed replacing & we were out of money, oh yes and a tree falling on one of the outbuildings.. also pops into my mind! We are ready to rent it out.
I just need to have the wood stove hooked up & mow the grass. It is cute and is on 1.6acres close to the beach and village in the lakes region. All the carpets are new & everywhere is freshly painted.
We just need a nice couple or family who love cutting grass once a week for over an hour to move in. The gardens are gorgeous with raspberry and blackberry bushes, apple trees and lots of Black Eyed Susan's with daisies and Lillie's everywhere. In fact I have a romantic notion that my ideal tenant would be a famous author or artist who needs a retreat to focus on their work.......hello here it is your little slice of solitude folks!
Tonight it was listed in the newspaper and so far not one call. It is realistically priced so I am hoping that we get some calls over the weekend.
Cross your fingers everyone or we will be living on pasta all winter!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Mamma Mia!
Well the rain continues, as do the daily storms.
I guess someone is having a laugh watching me run in & out of the garden trying to rescue my washing ( I always line dry!). Who needs a gym to get fit?
Feeling in the dolldromes I dragged the kids off to see "Mama Mia."
What a superb film....I had forgotten how fun the English humour can be.
Once I had gotten over Pierce Bronson singing instead of seducing young girls I could have jumped on my seat and joined in singing the good old ABBA songs. It was fandabidozy ( if you remember the Crankies) and certainly brightened up yet another drab rainy day in NH.
It is definitely a film that you can see more than once...even if it is just to try to remember the words to "Voulez Vous!"
I guess someone is having a laugh watching me run in & out of the garden trying to rescue my washing ( I always line dry!). Who needs a gym to get fit?
Feeling in the dolldromes I dragged the kids off to see "Mama Mia."
What a superb film....I had forgotten how fun the English humour can be.
Once I had gotten over Pierce Bronson singing instead of seducing young girls I could have jumped on my seat and joined in singing the good old ABBA songs. It was fandabidozy ( if you remember the Crankies) and certainly brightened up yet another drab rainy day in NH.
It is definitely a film that you can see more than once...even if it is just to try to remember the words to "Voulez Vous!"
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I've just been advised that in July we had 17 days of rain!
I am sat in a huge downpour as I type.....what will the total be for August I wonder?
Rain, rain go away!
Come again another day!
I am sat in a huge downpour as I type.....what will the total be for August I wonder?
Rain, rain go away!
Come again another day!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Airplane travel summary!
A nice quote from Julian Cleary "airlines treat you with thinly disguised contempt. You're herded around like human livestock!"
Good one Julian!
Good one Julian!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A new invention?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I'm Back!
Thank you for your nice certainly has been a blur yet I still function. It is a strange way to live.
I thought that I had lost my "umph" as I am continually tired even though I eat well, have returned to exercise and taking vitamin pills. However last night I felt human again.
I mentioned in a previous blog that I met an older man on a return flight home & we abandoned our luggage, hired a car & drove 6 1/2 hours home together yet we were total strangers. At the end of the journey we knew alot about each other. He is from Salford & it turns out that he designed my godmothers kitchen & his wife was her husbands badminton partner for 20 years!
Last night he came for dinner with his daughter & family! I have to admit that I was a little nervous as we have not seen each other since June however we had a great night.
The ice was easily broken when my 5 year old lifted their 6 year olds dress up & peeked in her knickers! Talk about wanting an Amtrak speed train to knock you down right there & then! Thank god they were OK about it!
We are seriously looking for a therapist for our boy!
His daughter & husband are also from Salford so it was great to hear some "home reminder" accents. We all hit it of well & will continue to stay in touch.
I have to say that even though my mum has gone this was meant to be. I feel as if I met Mr D for a reason & now we have new friends from the UK if we feel homesick.
I know it is a bit Enid Blytonish however I was raised on her "Famous Five" books!
Thanks mum, I really miss you.
I thought that I had lost my "umph" as I am continually tired even though I eat well, have returned to exercise and taking vitamin pills. However last night I felt human again.
I mentioned in a previous blog that I met an older man on a return flight home & we abandoned our luggage, hired a car & drove 6 1/2 hours home together yet we were total strangers. At the end of the journey we knew alot about each other. He is from Salford & it turns out that he designed my godmothers kitchen & his wife was her husbands badminton partner for 20 years!
Last night he came for dinner with his daughter & family! I have to admit that I was a little nervous as we have not seen each other since June however we had a great night.
The ice was easily broken when my 5 year old lifted their 6 year olds dress up & peeked in her knickers! Talk about wanting an Amtrak speed train to knock you down right there & then! Thank god they were OK about it!
We are seriously looking for a therapist for our boy!
His daughter & husband are also from Salford so it was great to hear some "home reminder" accents. We all hit it of well & will continue to stay in touch.
I have to say that even though my mum has gone this was meant to be. I feel as if I met Mr D for a reason & now we have new friends from the UK if we feel homesick.
I know it is a bit Enid Blytonish however I was raised on her "Famous Five" books!
Thanks mum, I really miss you.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Wish me luck!
Sad, sad news mum my passed away July 1st after being diagnosed with cancer only 10 weeks ago!
The reality of the situation has not hit me yet as it just amazes me that life goes on as if nothing as ever happened. The kids continue to fight, you go to work, flowers come & go, food still needs to be bought, cooked & cleared away.
I feel like the world should stop for some reason.
I cannot really grieve yet as I need to be in the UK with my siblings & just let go. Something us English are not too good at!
Of course going home entails yet another flight issue to overcome. Please US Airways be on time, clean and just get me home.
The reality of the situation has not hit me yet as it just amazes me that life goes on as if nothing as ever happened. The kids continue to fight, you go to work, flowers come & go, food still needs to be bought, cooked & cleared away.
I feel like the world should stop for some reason.
I cannot really grieve yet as I need to be in the UK with my siblings & just let go. Something us English are not too good at!
Of course going home entails yet another flight issue to overcome. Please US Airways be on time, clean and just get me home.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Continental Airlines (ctd)
I have 4 words of advise for everybody "NEVER USE CONTINENTAL AIRLINES"
Why you may ask?
Well here is Chapter 2: The Return Journey to USA:
9.30am flight to Newark USA...surprisingly on time.
12.30pm (USA time) arrive at terminal to get next flight due in 2 hours..delayed 30 mins..that is ok.
1.30pm husband calls they have canceled the flight, the next one is at 9.50pm... hmm no thanks as if they cancel that one I will be sleeping on the floor at Newark airport!
1.35pm join the line at customer one on the gates could help. The line is 100 people deep as you know that Continental cancel flights as often as you blink your eyes!
1.50pm The line is not moving so I call the reservations desk on my cell phone. No flights to Boston as they are all full..(there were 4 listed) have to wait for the 9.5opm.....7 hours not on your nelly!
2pm start chatting to an elderly man who was tryig to get to Manchester NH too & he was from Salford where my mum is from. We decide to ditch our luggage, rent a car & drive home.
3pm we get a car & a GPS & driveoff into Manhattan.
Imagine my husbands response when I tell him I have met a man, we have rented a car & are on our way to NH! Oh yes a total stranger!
And in reverse Mr D who calls his daughter ......I know we were very trusting!
9pm we arrive at Manchester airport & depart our separate ways.
The bill for the car $256 for 6 hours...another battle that I to handle.
The good part to this story is that Mr D & I may even be related!
He knows some of my mums friends as they grew up in the same area. Of course we know each others life stories after 6 hours but I have to say I would never have driven without him.
He is over here visiting his daughter who is also from Salford and we will invite them over for dinner whilst he is here.
So the end of the story: I met a new friend, got ripped off for renting a car and oh yes DO NOT EVER fly with Contnental Airlines!
Oh & by the way the 9.50pm flight was cancelled so it was the correct decision to abandon our luggage & drive.
The movie "Planes, trains & automobiles" jumps to my mind.
Why you may ask?
Well here is Chapter 2: The Return Journey to USA:
9.30am flight to Newark USA...surprisingly on time.
12.30pm (USA time) arrive at terminal to get next flight due in 2 hours..delayed 30 mins..that is ok.
1.30pm husband calls they have canceled the flight, the next one is at 9.50pm... hmm no thanks as if they cancel that one I will be sleeping on the floor at Newark airport!
1.35pm join the line at customer one on the gates could help. The line is 100 people deep as you know that Continental cancel flights as often as you blink your eyes!
1.50pm The line is not moving so I call the reservations desk on my cell phone. No flights to Boston as they are all full..(there were 4 listed) have to wait for the 9.5opm.....7 hours not on your nelly!
2pm start chatting to an elderly man who was tryig to get to Manchester NH too & he was from Salford where my mum is from. We decide to ditch our luggage, rent a car & drive home.
3pm we get a car & a GPS & driveoff into Manhattan.
Imagine my husbands response when I tell him I have met a man, we have rented a car & are on our way to NH! Oh yes a total stranger!
And in reverse Mr D who calls his daughter ......I know we were very trusting!
9pm we arrive at Manchester airport & depart our separate ways.
The bill for the car $256 for 6 hours...another battle that I to handle.
The good part to this story is that Mr D & I may even be related!
He knows some of my mums friends as they grew up in the same area. Of course we know each others life stories after 6 hours but I have to say I would never have driven without him.
He is over here visiting his daughter who is also from Salford and we will invite them over for dinner whilst he is here.
So the end of the story: I met a new friend, got ripped off for renting a car and oh yes DO NOT EVER fly with Contnental Airlines!
Oh & by the way the 9.50pm flight was cancelled so it was the correct decision to abandon our luggage & drive.
The movie "Planes, trains & automobiles" jumps to my mind.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Continental Airlines thanks!
Just made an emergency visit to the UK as my mum is not took 38 hours from Manchester NH to get to Manchetser UK!
I feel the need to Continental Airlines bash!
In a nutshell:
Saturday 4.30 pm due to fly Manchester NH to Newark.
3.30pm received phone call flight cancelled due to mending the runway!!!!
No other flights available...due to fly out of Newark to Manchester UK at 10pm.
Told to go to Boston for the 5.30pm to Newark. No we cannot provide a shuttle bus that would be providing customer service.
5.00pm get to Boston burning rubber all the way..flight delayed an hour.
6.30pm delayed another hour.
7.30 delayed another one.
8.30pm cancelling look for another flight due to bad weather.
9pm New flight booked for tomorrow 11.30am to Newark then 7.30pm to Manchester UK
so I ask for a hotel as I am stranded.
Told NO.
9.15pm after huge temper tantrum I get a hotel.
Next day get flight to Newark on time surprisingly.
7.30pm after spending 6 1/2 hours wandering around the airport I felt like Tom Hanks in The Terminal movie flight delayed an it needs cleaning...hello I did spend a huge amount on this ticket!
8.30pm sat on plane feeling confident we are to move.
9.30pm still on the tarmac.
10.30pm oh yes still on the tarmac.
11.30pm hurray we are actually airborn!
5am arrive in Manchester UK... no one in immigration.. so wait an hour....hello Manchester I am home....let me in!
6am Collapse into my sisters arms.......I cannot bear the thought of coming back...will I survive???
My message to you all....think twice before booking with Continental! One lady could not get another flight to Tel Aviv for 48 hours!!!! Watch for Terminal 2 the movie!!!!
I feel the need to Continental Airlines bash!
In a nutshell:
Saturday 4.30 pm due to fly Manchester NH to Newark.
3.30pm received phone call flight cancelled due to mending the runway!!!!
No other flights available...due to fly out of Newark to Manchester UK at 10pm.
Told to go to Boston for the 5.30pm to Newark. No we cannot provide a shuttle bus that would be providing customer service.
5.00pm get to Boston burning rubber all the way..flight delayed an hour.
6.30pm delayed another hour.
7.30 delayed another one.
8.30pm cancelling look for another flight due to bad weather.
9pm New flight booked for tomorrow 11.30am to Newark then 7.30pm to Manchester UK
so I ask for a hotel as I am stranded.
Told NO.
9.15pm after huge temper tantrum I get a hotel.
Next day get flight to Newark on time surprisingly.
7.30pm after spending 6 1/2 hours wandering around the airport I felt like Tom Hanks in The Terminal movie flight delayed an it needs cleaning...hello I did spend a huge amount on this ticket!
8.30pm sat on plane feeling confident we are to move.
9.30pm still on the tarmac.
10.30pm oh yes still on the tarmac.
11.30pm hurray we are actually airborn!
5am arrive in Manchester UK... no one in immigration.. so wait an hour....hello Manchester I am home....let me in!
6am Collapse into my sisters arms.......I cannot bear the thought of coming back...will I survive???
My message to you all....think twice before booking with Continental! One lady could not get another flight to Tel Aviv for 48 hours!!!! Watch for Terminal 2 the movie!!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Heavenly heat!
OH my gosh it is so hot here... 93 degrees & humid.
Like it, I love it. My bones are thawed out from the 10 feet of snow from that nasty mean old winter.
Out of desperation today we had to take a day off together Sir L & I. Not to go for a romantic lunch & a quickie, a stroll through the beautiful mountains or a quick dip in the gob smackingly looking lake.
Our hot date was to the garage to get the snow tyres taken off the rims....romantic heh?
Like it, I love it. My bones are thawed out from the 10 feet of snow from that nasty mean old winter.
Out of desperation today we had to take a day off together Sir L & I. Not to go for a romantic lunch & a quickie, a stroll through the beautiful mountains or a quick dip in the gob smackingly looking lake.
Our hot date was to the garage to get the snow tyres taken off the rims....romantic heh?
Friday, June 6, 2008
Flying is no longer a luxury.
Having just returned from the homeland I have to comment on flying. Needless to say it took many hours and planes to get back home due to the flight cut backs.
I can remember....(I sound like a granny!) when flying was wonderful, not only were the alcohol drinks all free,they gave you two of each bottle so that you could shove them in your bag,free candy or an ice cream with the movie, very friendly & classy air stewards, warm face clothes to wipe over your face, a goody bag complete with socks, smellies & an eye mask just incase you sat next to an ugly person.
I'm sad to say that the only thing that has stayed the same is the food which has never been palatable. You know the words before they are spat at you "beef or chicken?" It does not really matter they are both full of MSG & give you wind(gas!)
I do not mind the extra security, or the long lines however the staff are so rude.
Our air hostess was chewing gum & blowing bubbles as she served the meal...nice classy chick.
My belt went through the security machine never to return...hello where could it have gone? I asked the security man to please look again, he did to no avail!
I said "where can it have gone?"
His reply "I dunno."
I said "What will I do if my pants fall down."
He said "I'll come and look for you."
Cheeky monkey, but I did appreciate his sense of humour!
I can remember....(I sound like a granny!) when flying was wonderful, not only were the alcohol drinks all free,they gave you two of each bottle so that you could shove them in your bag,free candy or an ice cream with the movie, very friendly & classy air stewards, warm face clothes to wipe over your face, a goody bag complete with socks, smellies & an eye mask just incase you sat next to an ugly person.
I'm sad to say that the only thing that has stayed the same is the food which has never been palatable. You know the words before they are spat at you "beef or chicken?" It does not really matter they are both full of MSG & give you wind(gas!)
I do not mind the extra security, or the long lines however the staff are so rude.
Our air hostess was chewing gum & blowing bubbles as she served the meal...nice classy chick.
My belt went through the security machine never to return...hello where could it have gone? I asked the security man to please look again, he did to no avail!
I said "where can it have gone?"
His reply "I dunno."
I said "What will I do if my pants fall down."
He said "I'll come and look for you."
Cheeky monkey, but I did appreciate his sense of humour!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The photo's are of Pateley Bridge in Yorkshire.
They have the best old fashioned sweet shop that sells all the old favourites..Kop Kops, cherry lips, Pear Drops, Black Jacks, cola cubes, sherbet lemons & strawberries etc etc They serve them by the quarter in paper bags just like when we were young. Needless to say I reminisced a little too much and dropped $10.00. I asked the owner why they do not sell sweets like this anymore and she said it is too labour intensive and expensive...too bad.
Good news I now am the proud owner of 38 bars of Cadburys Chocolate, of course customs opened our case........
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Home sweet home!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I hate baseball...yes I know hate is a bad word in USA, the lord only knows why!
Yet to say the "f" word for toot is the norm...please! Are there no standards??
I digress, so back to baseball. I am a good mum I let my child play and I have many questions for the organisers of this sport.
1. Why is it necessary to give a 9 year old written homework for baseball when he already has homework from school?
2. Why is it necessary to play at least three times a week for at least 2 1/2 hours each time?
3. Why do coaches slip in an extra practise giving parents 24-48 hours notice & demand that if the child cannot attend he sits on the bench for the next game?
4. Why is a child who is late made to sit on the bench?
5. Then there are the parades & home derby's to attend.
6. The photo sessions which are bedlam with hundreds of kids aged 5-15 all rigged up in these silly outfits that are so desperately ready for an update.
7. Do any children eat a decent meal during baseball season? I guess McDonald's make a killing!
8. How many parents pull the uniform out of the wash & the kids have to wear it dirty as there is no "breather" to throw a washer load on?
I know this is an American tradition & I do not want to insult anyone however...
I hate Baseball!
Now I feel better!
Yet to say the "f" word for toot is the norm...please! Are there no standards??
I digress, so back to baseball. I am a good mum I let my child play and I have many questions for the organisers of this sport.
1. Why is it necessary to give a 9 year old written homework for baseball when he already has homework from school?
2. Why is it necessary to play at least three times a week for at least 2 1/2 hours each time?
3. Why do coaches slip in an extra practise giving parents 24-48 hours notice & demand that if the child cannot attend he sits on the bench for the next game?
4. Why is a child who is late made to sit on the bench?
5. Then there are the parades & home derby's to attend.
6. The photo sessions which are bedlam with hundreds of kids aged 5-15 all rigged up in these silly outfits that are so desperately ready for an update.
7. Do any children eat a decent meal during baseball season? I guess McDonald's make a killing!
8. How many parents pull the uniform out of the wash & the kids have to wear it dirty as there is no "breather" to throw a washer load on?
I know this is an American tradition & I do not want to insult anyone however...
I hate Baseball!
Now I feel better!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A brothers conversation
9 year old " hey come over here & look what I have found!"
4 year old "what is it?"
9 year old "it's a centipede."
4 year old " wow, can it fly?"
9 year old "sure it can."
4 year old "what is it?"
9 year old "it's a centipede."
4 year old " wow, can it fly?"
9 year old "sure it can."
Monday, May 5, 2008
Here today...gone tomorrow!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Muffin Tops!
Sometimes the word comparison between the English meaning and the American can be quite comical!
Today I have just learnt a new word...muffin top!
Although this may conjure up a picture of a fluffy fairy cake that has currants in...guess again my friends!
This is the American word for a tummy that overhangs your bikini knickers! Yuck!
To make it worse ....
To my surprise I saw an advert for an "Eggo's new muffin tops breakfast."
God forbid the mind boggles!
I guess this is what you get ofyou eat the Eggo's muffin tops for breakfast???
Today I have just learnt a new word...muffin top!
Although this may conjure up a picture of a fluffy fairy cake that has currants in...guess again my friends!
This is the American word for a tummy that overhangs your bikini knickers! Yuck!
To make it worse ....
To my surprise I saw an advert for an "Eggo's new muffin tops breakfast."
God forbid the mind boggles!
I guess this is what you get ofyou eat the Eggo's muffin tops for breakfast???
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thank you Expatmum for tagging me, never had it done before so here it goes! Not sure how to tag either...need a nerd to help me out here Mme L!
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? I had a two year old & was heavily pregnant with number 2 who was extremely big whilst working night shifts at J.Jill customer center so I had a great wardrobe. Went through a sponging phase which ended up in our bedroom being a harsh putrid yellow mess.
2. 5 snacks I enjoy: English cadburys orange chocolate, Weetabix, Special K Bliss granola's, Florida oranges and bacon wheat crunchies.
3.Things I would do if I was a billionaire:
Pay off my mums, sister, brother & of course our mortgage.
Pay for all my family & friends to meet us in Disneyland for a grand bash.
Build & fund a home for domestic abuse victims.
Anomalously donate money to needy people who needed medical aid.
4. 5 jobs I've had:
Gutting fish in a mackerel factory in Holland... horrendous
Apple picking in France....exhausting
Account manager for a manufacturing company....sensible
Looking after a rich old granny in St Tropez....easy
Waitressing in a steak house...good money
5. 3 bad habits:
twiddling with my hair
Pinot Grigio
6. 5 places I've lived:
Llandudno, Yelling in Cambridgeshire,Manchester UK, Ramatuelle France, Portugal
7. 5 people I want to know more about:
Not sure really...sad lass!
I m tagging MMe L.
Almost American
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? I had a two year old & was heavily pregnant with number 2 who was extremely big whilst working night shifts at J.Jill customer center so I had a great wardrobe. Went through a sponging phase which ended up in our bedroom being a harsh putrid yellow mess.
2. 5 snacks I enjoy: English cadburys orange chocolate, Weetabix, Special K Bliss granola's, Florida oranges and bacon wheat crunchies.
3.Things I would do if I was a billionaire:
Pay off my mums, sister, brother & of course our mortgage.
Pay for all my family & friends to meet us in Disneyland for a grand bash.
Build & fund a home for domestic abuse victims.
Anomalously donate money to needy people who needed medical aid.
4. 5 jobs I've had:
Gutting fish in a mackerel factory in Holland... horrendous
Apple picking in France....exhausting
Account manager for a manufacturing company....sensible
Looking after a rich old granny in St Tropez....easy
Waitressing in a steak house...good money
5. 3 bad habits:
twiddling with my hair
Pinot Grigio
6. 5 places I've lived:
Llandudno, Yelling in Cambridgeshire,Manchester UK, Ramatuelle France, Portugal
7. 5 people I want to know more about:
Not sure really...sad lass!
I m tagging MMe L.
Almost American
Friday, April 11, 2008
My daughter's poem
To step into the warm air when entering the gym, to feel the excitement rising from within.
Running down the court I’m flying. I feel like a bird someone pushes another shoves. I fly past them trying to be free but sometimes it feels like they’re all chasing me.
On the court you catch the ball then score, to score a basket oh what a joy, the basketball is my favourite toy.
The sweaty pennies sticking to my chest the crowd screaming and shouting that our teams the best.
I run down the court the ball bouncing at my side, all eyes on me. It’s like there’s wings on my shoes to lift me up. I shoot, I score and I fall back down to earth.
The buzzer bellows the game is over, our team won. I’d say it was the best day ever.
My family congratulates me after the game, my brothers saying “you won hurray!”
My dad really helps me work on my skills and at practice he really helps me work on my drills.
I wouldn’t be who I am today if my family and friends did not get in the way.
To step into the warm air when entering the gym, to feel the excitement rising from within.
Running down the court I’m flying. I feel like a bird someone pushes another shoves. I fly past them trying to be free but sometimes it feels like they’re all chasing me.
On the court you catch the ball then score, to score a basket oh what a joy, the basketball is my favourite toy.
The sweaty pennies sticking to my chest the crowd screaming and shouting that our teams the best.
I run down the court the ball bouncing at my side, all eyes on me. It’s like there’s wings on my shoes to lift me up. I shoot, I score and I fall back down to earth.
The buzzer bellows the game is over, our team won. I’d say it was the best day ever.
My family congratulates me after the game, my brothers saying “you won hurray!”
My dad really helps me work on my skills and at practice he really helps me work on my drills.
I wouldn’t be who I am today if my family and friends did not get in the way.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Chunky Cheeseits!
I've just been laughing at another blog who was describing a torturous visit to "Chucky Cheese's" which gave my memory a jolt... a rare occasion these days!
When # 2 was 3 years old he went to daycare 4 days a week and on the fifth day was "mummy's day." I would try & get all the shopping, laundry etc. done so that I could have quality time one on one with him in the afternoon. (ie. not feel so guilty for working the other 4 days a week!)
One day I asked him "Do you prefer mummy days or going to school?" feeling confident that I was the winner.
His response " oh school days."
Needless to say I was crushed & broken hearted. I needed to think of a speedy plan to get back into first position.
So I suggested that on the next mummy day we would go to "Chunky Cheeseits" for lunch, which gave him great pleasure as he bragged to his older sister who had to go to school.
So after enduring an 1 1/2 hour drive we got to the wretched place, ate the greasy pizza, spent a fortune on games, gave the Rat a high five and painfully cashed in our tokens to purchase more crap, at last it was time to leave.
Obviously he did not want to leave, so there was a little tantrum on exit!
Personally I could not wait to get out of there even with a screaming child
On the way home after a candy treat ( I was out to win OK!) I asked the question "do you prefer mummy days or school days?"
"Oh definitely mummy days" he muttered as he nodded off.
What can I say but MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (thanks Chucky Cheese's)
When # 2 was 3 years old he went to daycare 4 days a week and on the fifth day was "mummy's day." I would try & get all the shopping, laundry etc. done so that I could have quality time one on one with him in the afternoon. (ie. not feel so guilty for working the other 4 days a week!)
One day I asked him "Do you prefer mummy days or going to school?" feeling confident that I was the winner.
His response " oh school days."
Needless to say I was crushed & broken hearted. I needed to think of a speedy plan to get back into first position.
So I suggested that on the next mummy day we would go to "Chunky Cheeseits" for lunch, which gave him great pleasure as he bragged to his older sister who had to go to school.
So after enduring an 1 1/2 hour drive we got to the wretched place, ate the greasy pizza, spent a fortune on games, gave the Rat a high five and painfully cashed in our tokens to purchase more crap, at last it was time to leave.
Obviously he did not want to leave, so there was a little tantrum on exit!
Personally I could not wait to get out of there even with a screaming child
On the way home after a candy treat ( I was out to win OK!) I asked the question "do you prefer mummy days or school days?"
"Oh definitely mummy days" he muttered as he nodded off.
What can I say but MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (thanks Chucky Cheese's)
Friday, April 4, 2008
BBC News :M&S Knickers save the day!
A family home was saved from burning down when a pair of giant knickers were used to put out a fire.
Jenny Marsey’s size 18-20 cotton pants were a lifesaver when they were grabbed to cover a frying pan fire at her home in Meryl Gardens, Hartlepool, Teesside.
Her son and nephew were trying to fry some bread when the blaze broke out.
But the quick-thinking pair used the Marks & Spencer underwear from a pile of washing, doused them in water, and threw them over the fire.
Mrs Marsey, 53, said: “My £4.99 parachute knickers have come in handy for something. We’ve had a good laugh that they were a bit like a fire blanket.”
Mrs Marsey, who is also mother to Sarah, 23, Joanne, 24, and Donna, 27, added: “I think if they had been my daughter Sarah’s skimpy knickers they wouldn’t have done any good.
One advantage of chinny knickers vs thongs!
Jenny Marsey’s size 18-20 cotton pants were a lifesaver when they were grabbed to cover a frying pan fire at her home in Meryl Gardens, Hartlepool, Teesside.
Her son and nephew were trying to fry some bread when the blaze broke out.
But the quick-thinking pair used the Marks & Spencer underwear from a pile of washing, doused them in water, and threw them over the fire.
Mrs Marsey, 53, said: “My £4.99 parachute knickers have come in handy for something. We’ve had a good laugh that they were a bit like a fire blanket.”
Mrs Marsey, who is also mother to Sarah, 23, Joanne, 24, and Donna, 27, added: “I think if they had been my daughter Sarah’s skimpy knickers they wouldn’t have done any good.
One advantage of chinny knickers vs thongs!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Where do you belong?
Sometimes it is hard living in a foreign country as you really are not sure where you belong.
After surviving this horrendous winter (that is still on going on..more snow due on Friday!) I long to go back home to the UK or France or even better beautiful Portugal!
Sir L & I would spend hours discussing where we would like to "end up" and now we don't! So what has changed? Is it the mortgage, three kids and routine that we have settled for or should we still be planning to buy and renovate our dream farmhouse in France?
It seems that every day life is so demanding with all the "stuff" that you have to do, your dreams do not get a look in. The most ironic point here is that it is all your own making. You take on the jobs that may not be perfect but it fits into your life. Let the kids do activities so that you are a full time unpaid taxi driver, go back to college to get your brain into gear which involves homework and extra hours, work out at the gym, yet complain when your muscles ache and the circle of life goes on.
I guess there is no time for dreams at the moment! Or is it that we just become more realistic?
After surviving this horrendous winter (that is still on going on..more snow due on Friday!) I long to go back home to the UK or France or even better beautiful Portugal!
Sir L & I would spend hours discussing where we would like to "end up" and now we don't! So what has changed? Is it the mortgage, three kids and routine that we have settled for or should we still be planning to buy and renovate our dream farmhouse in France?
It seems that every day life is so demanding with all the "stuff" that you have to do, your dreams do not get a look in. The most ironic point here is that it is all your own making. You take on the jobs that may not be perfect but it fits into your life. Let the kids do activities so that you are a full time unpaid taxi driver, go back to college to get your brain into gear which involves homework and extra hours, work out at the gym, yet complain when your muscles ache and the circle of life goes on.
I guess there is no time for dreams at the moment! Or is it that we just become more realistic?
Thursday, March 27, 2008
England vs USA Snow Levels
Here is a picture of the deadly snow fall in England. Apologies for the erased face however this was sent to me by an ex boyfriend and I did not want his wife to come after me for posting her kids on the web.
It can definitely be said that the English know how to make the best of everything....have you ever seen such a teeny weeny snowman??
I guess that this proves that nearly everything in USA is bigger!
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